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Negroamaro 'Le Braci' Severino Garofano 2017

Negroamaro 'Le Braci' Severino Garofano 2017

Garofano Severino
Red wine full bodied and intense, with complex notes of red fruits, licorice, plum, vanilla and spice, of great elegance, softness and persistence, born from grapes harvested in ripening
Vintages: 2016
5 Bibenda
3 Vitae AIS
93 Veronelli
2 Slowine



Salento IGT


Negroamaro 100%


Alcohol content

15 %


75 cl Bottle


Grapes harvested slightly overripe


At least 10 months in barrique, then 18 months in bottle

Additional Notes

Contains sulfites


"Le Braci" by Severino Garofano is a Negroamaro in purity is surprising for its softness and its taste and long persistence that incorporates a sip the soul of this great grape of Puglia. We are in Cupertino, in the heart of Salento, in a winery that makes the tradition and respect for the land its cornerstones; love for the Negroamaro has done the rest. Vineyards resting on clay soils on a limestone and tuff, bred to tree on a very dry climate that is hardly mitigated by the feeble breezes coming from the Adriatic.

The Negroamaro "Le Braci" is the most acclaimed wine of the winery Severino Garofano, a spokesman for the authentic wine cellar of this project Puglia, a wine that speaks for itself. Always very popular with Italian wine guides, the "Le Braci" alternating notes of violets and herbs in vanilla and oriental spices, closing on nuance of licorice and chocolate. With a simple glimpse we understand that we are faced with a wine that has something extra that makes the complexity of the structure and its distinctive qualities.

Qualities that also stem from a slight late harvest of the grapes that are harvested when the grapes begin to wilt, concentrating the sugars and dehydrating water. Juiciness and flesh from late harvest light and softness and elegance that are derived from the 10 months spent in barrels that make the Negroamaro "Le Braci" an Apulian red wine really thick.


Deep ruby red with purple reflections


Intense and rich, complex and beautiful persistence, with a soft finish and great elegance


Rich nose of red fruit, licorice, plum, vanilla and spices