42 Below

The Vodka distillery in the far south of the world
Region Auckland (Nuova Zelanda)
Foundation Year 1999
Address 116-118 Quay Street, Auckland, New Zeland

42 Below is the name of a Vodka that is made in New Zealand. It is a distillate of excellent quality, born out of the desire of a New World distillery to test itself and compare itself with countries and famous distilleries that can boast centuries of history in the production of this distillate. European Vodka, in fact, is unanimously considered the best in the world. Even in New Zealand, the best labels on the market were all from the Old Continent. It was with this in mind that Geoff Ross began to think that a country like New Zealand, with its unspoilt nature, could produce a Vodka of extraordinary purity, able to compete with the best spirits in the world.

It was 1999 when the project of trying to make Premium Vodka in New Zealand began to take shape. Perhaps the idea might have been a bit naive and risky and Geoff Ross probably didn't yet know the difficulties he would face, but nevertheless he began his experiments in his garage at home. At first, the few bottles of 42Below Vodka were only sold to close friends. After receiving initial acclaim and appreciation, Geoff began to market his bottles in local bars and then throughout New Zealand. Fast and gradual growth based on the quality of the Vodka and word of mouth from New Zealand consumers.

Only after consolidating its success in its home country did Geoff begin to think about foreign markets. But rather than by advertising investments, the international success of 42Below Vodka was decreed by connoisseurs, who immediately appreciated its finesse and purity, which is difficult to find in other labels. Supporting the success of the New Zealand vodka were numerous successes in international competitions, where it established itself by beating off competition from many famous European labels. 42 Below has been able to conquer the world's summits thanks to its pure, crystal-clear character, which perfectly reflects New Zealand's wild, unspoilt natural scenery.

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The Vodka of the 42 Below distillery