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Italian Producers
Region | Oaxaca (Messico) |
Rey Campero is a brand of quality Mezcal produced by Distilleria Sánchez, representing the tradition and culture of Candelaria Yegolé, a small town located in the Sierra Sur in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. In this area, Mezcal production is a family tradition, which is passed down from generation to generation. Each family is involved in all stages of the production process, from growing the agave to marketing the products. This knowledge of every secret associated with making a high-quality Mezcal still lives on in Candelaria Yegolé, and it is in this very location, thanks to Casa Sánchez, that extraordinary distillates are born, perfectly expressing the best Mexican customs.
Candelaria Yegolé is a small rural village with about a hundred inhabitants. It is located in a rugged and inhospitable territory. With a river flowing between canyons and steep mountain slopes. The agave has found its natural habitat in this area. The people of this area jealously guard the secret of making a great Mezcal. For almost a century, Distilleria Sánchez has been present in this land by employing the locals to keep the oldest Mezcal tradition alive. In this area of the Oaxaca region, more than ten different varieties of agave grow wild: Espadin, Cuishe, M. Cuishe, Mexicano, Tepextate, Jabalí, Sierra Negra. The mezcalero masters know perfectly the ripening times and the best time to proceed with cutting.
After the agave is cut, the precious heart is cooked in traditional brick ovens and once it has turned a dark color, it is ground in a stone mill, with the millstone pulled by a horse or mule, to extract the precious juice. The ground pulp and juice ferment with indigenous yeasts in pine wood vats. At this point everything is ready for the double distillation process, which takes place with a classic copper still heated over an open fire. The condensation of the vapors gives a Mezcal of extraordinary purity, with an intense and rich taste