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Cesanese is the native red grape variety that best symbolises and identifies the region of Lazio. Its origins are very ancient and date back to Roman times, as many Latin authors recognised its popularity and particular success among the nobility of Rome. Today, its spread is confined to the territories around the Italian capital that extend to the southern borders of the region. Two varieties are found in the wild: the common variety and the Affile variety. These two clones are often used in blends, although in the area around Affile, the pure variety of the same name is preferred. This grape is the protagonist of three denominations in the Lazio region: Affile, Olevano Romano and Piglio. The result is a red wine with a mineral, fruity and fresh profile, with a good tannic touch, elegant and of great territorial typicality!

9 results
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
4 -@@-3-Bibenda
90 -@@-5-Veronelli
90 -@@-9-James Suckling
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
2 -@@-1-Gambero Rosso
5 -@@-3-Bibenda
2 -@@-6-Slowine
4 -@@-2-Vitae AIS
3 -@@-2-Vitae AIS

Cesanese is the native red grape variety that best symbolises and identifies the region of Lazio. Its origins are very ancient and date back to Roman times, as many Latin authors recognised its popularity and particular success among the nobility of Rome. Today, its spread is confined to the territories around the Italian capital that extend to the southern borders of the region. Two varieties are found in the wild: the common variety and the Affile variety. These two clones are often used in blends, although in the area around Affile, the pure variety of the same name is preferred. This grape is the protagonist of three denominations in the Lazio region: Affile, Olevano Romano and Piglio. The result is a red wine with a mineral, fruity and fresh profile, with a good tannic touch, elegant and of great territorial typicality!

An Area with a Great Potential

It is sufficient to look at any map to realise just how well suited the Lazio region is to the cultivation of vines. Not only does it benefit from the proximity of the Tyrrhenian Sea, but inland it is dotted with a large number of lakes, crossed by hills with varying exposures and intersected by mountains in the background. Hidden among the hills and volcanic slopes are the vines, overshadowed by the dominant presence of the Eternal City, which attracts all the attention while unknowingly protecting the entire wine-growing heritage. The historic areas include the vast territory of the Albani Hills, those near Lake Bolsena and, last but not least, the small area near Rome, between the Ciociaria and Castelli Romani areas, including Piglio, Olevano and Affile. This is the birthplace of Lazio's most representative red wine: Cesanese. This is a very territorial expression that has been enjoying success in recent times, stimulating the slightly dormant situation that the market has been experiencing for years. This is undoubtedly thanks to young and interesting emerging companies, such as the Ribelà winery, which have contributed to restoring the identity of this territory and reawakening the great potential of this wine production.

History and Information on the Best Cesanese

This dark berry variety is one of the oldest in the whole territory, considered a unique heritage and widely used in the production of wines from Lazio. Its origins are very uncertain, but in all likelihood are linked to the municipality of Affile, a small mountain village near Rome, located near the Simbruini Mountains. Its ancient history begins with Pliny who, in his writings, praised its characteristics and considered it a red wine reserved for the nobility. An old popular legend narrates that, in the days of the ancient Romans, the colonists decided to deforest the areas around the capital to plant new vineyards of this variety. This would also explain the name Cesanese, derived from the term "cesae", which translates to "deforested area". Nowadays its fame has been considerably enhanced and it is the protagonist of three denominations: Affile, Olevano Romano and Piglio, which have very similar territorial characteristics. Additionally, according to some ampelographic studies, the existence of two clones has been established: the 'common' and the 'Affile'. The first one, as the word suggests, is the most popular and is also known as 'Bovino Nero'. It is located near the Roman Castles area and is characterised by a medium-large, oval berry with a fairly thick skin. The second, on the other hand, grown near the municipality of the same name, has a smaller, rounder grape with a thinner, darker skin.

Serving Suggestions

This wine from Lazio is often consumed at a very early age to fully benefit from its fruity side. It presents itself in the glass with a decisive and intense red coat that is reminiscent of ruby, with reflections that tend towards purple. On the nose it expresses a bouquet based mainly on notes of dark fruits: blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackcurrant, plum and sour cherry. In addition, floral essences reminiscent of violets and cyclamen can be detected in the background, while a pleasant mineral-volcanic note envelops the nose. With ageing in wood, the olfactory profile is further enhanced by hints of pepper and tobacco. The taste reveals a medium structure, well-balanced in its mineral freshness, tannic texture, body and extractive richness. This is a red wine that expresses the flavours of the land and the vine like few others. The best accompaniments for Cesanese wines are based on the rich Roman culinary tradition. It is ideal with pasta dishes, such as a good carbonara or bucatini all'amatriciana, or with succulent and fatty main courses, such as a typical oxtail alla vaccinara, porchetta with potatoes, roast lamb chops or the classic Roman lamb.

Are you looking for a red wine to accompany your entire meal and make a good impression with your guests? Callmewine has the right answer for you! Discover the Cesanese wines for sale online and on offer at a special price on the Callmewine wine shop and allow yourself to be conquered by the fresh and territorial taste of this typical wine from Lazio.